Mr Andres' Trip to Saudia Arabia

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thank You. شُكْرا، أشْكُرَك

I cannot believe how fast time has gone by since I heard the news about my acceptance into the Educators to Saudi Arabia Program. I am going to Saudi Arabia in less than three days. People have been very supportive since I heard the news and I am very appreciative. In fact, before explaining what it took to get to this point, I would like to make sure I thank the important people that have helped me along the way.

Kim Andres
Thank you for putting up with me at school and at home during this exciting time. You inspire me both personally and professionally. Without your help through the past 13 years we have been together I would not be anywhere close to where I am in my life. I love you.

Jamie Madson
Thank you for all of your support. Your passion for teaching and technology is inspiring. It all started with the TIES conference in 2006. Within two weeks Kim and I purchased cell phones, upgraded to DSL, and began to dream about the possibilities at Rockford. We are only beginning this awesome technological journey.

Marie Flanary
Thank you for all of your support over the last three years. I am very proud to be a teacher at Rockford Middle School. We have made some huge progress in the face of financial adversity and it is due to your hard work as the principal.

Beth Knudsen
Thank you for working hard to make our co-teaching experience an absolute blast. In the two years you have taught at Rockford Middle School you have shown an incredible amount of professionalism as the 8th grade Language Arts Teacher. As I often say, "It is hard to believe you have only taught for two years."

RMS Staff
Thank you for all the chances you have taken over the last few years. I am proud to be part of such an awesome "family." You make everyday an awesome day.

Partners in Education
It started with a vision and was made a reality with your support. You have an unbelievable commitment to Rockford Public Schools. Thank you for all of your hard work.

شُكْرا، أشْكُرَك

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, and be careful.