Mr Andres' Trip to Saudia Arabia

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Saudi Arabia Orientation

بحاجة الى مترجم اللغة؟

اليوم اتيحت لنا مقدمة الى المملكه العربية السعودية في خدمات شركة ارامكو. كانت لدينا العديد من المتحدثين مختلفة يتبادلون التجارب والخبرات في الثقافة السعودية. بعد عشاء راءعه والوقت لاجراء محادثات مع عدد اكبر من الخبراء على المملكه العربية السعودية تمكنا من ممارسة اعمالنا بالعربيه. كنت أظن انكم قد تتمتع عند النظر الى bbcarabic. ومن الجميل جدا ان اللغة المكتوبة انني اعتبر ان الفن. انا سوف نرى ما اذا كان يمكنني ان podcast او شريط فيديو وبعض العربية للكم. انا بحاجة الى الممارسه أثناء ركوب الطائرة ، ولكن اعتقد انني استطيع تعليم لكم بضعة بعبارات بسيطة.

حتى في المرة القادمة.

Aramco Services Company

Click on the picture below to see the full album.
Aramco Services Company 11/20/07 10:55 PM

Need a language translator? The future is now and we need to start utilizing the tools that are available to us. Think about the possibilities of communicating with people from around the world right now. Enjoy my blog above by taking advantage of Google Translator--Arabic to English. This is awesome considering you can translate entire websites at a click of a few buttons.

مساء الخير


Kimberly Andres said...

I like the pictures!!!! Keep that up! The translator is interesting. It doesn't translate perfectly, but it really does get the point across. This would be helpful for teachers who need to communicate with parents who may not know English. What a wonderful tool!

Keep posting the pictures so we can see what you see!

Anonymous said...

It is so great how interactive your blog site is. The students have already done the following things in class: heard your podcast, checked out your hotel in Houston, followed your flight, and learned about iChat and Skype... and this was even before you landed in Saudi Arabia!

Once we get back to school from Thanksgiving break it will be great to follow your progress on your journey. Technology allows the 8th grade students to join you on your trip!